Please note that letters intended for publication must include your full name, address (e-mail address also, if you have one) and a daytime phone number. Please also type your letter's topic or subject in the space provided. We ask that letters be 200 words or fewer. Occasionally, we can publish a longer letter, but you will have a better chance of getting your letter published if you keep it short. Letters may be edited for space constraints and clarity.

Having problems? This form may not work with Safari or other Macintosh browsers. And some Windows users have also reported problems entering the confirmation code at the bottom of the form. If you can't use this form, you can email your letter to Be sure to include your contact information with the email.


1. Letters will be edited for length, clarity and adherence to AP Style.

2. Letters are subject to fact-checking and claims must be verifiable.

3. Letters should be 200 words or fewer. If your letter is much longer, consider submitting an op-ed.

4. Letters must address a public, preferably local, issue.

5. Letters intended for publication must include your full name, address, e-mail address and a daytime phone number. Letters will be published with only the writer's name, city and zip code.

6. Letters can be published in print or online for The Courier Journal.

7. We will only publish from the same person once per month. 

Please type your letter's subject in the space above